Key Note at the Scientific Symposium
„WOOD – Perspectives for a sustainable bioeconomy”

 in Tulln

on 22.9.2022 on

Goals and indicators for a good life in the circular economy


Less is not always more. No one wants less quality of life, for example. Fortunately, we don’t necessarily need more resources for a better quality of life. But in the current linear economic system, that is the case. In order not to exceed planetary limits even further, resource consumption must be reduced to a fraction of what is usual in today’s throwaway society. Circular economy is not only a current magic word for this, but simply necessary to achieve it. And to a much greater extent than has been the case so far. In addition to „Repair, Re-Use, Recycle!“, „Reduce“ is also an essential condition for this, so that the profits of the circular economy are not eaten up again by growth. And the jobs? Are created in the process! International studies have proven this time and again. So less really is more: more quality of life, more meaningful work and economic success at the same time!

The Presentation is available for download here:



Link to Earth4all:

Wellbeing Economy

Wellbeing Alliance:








Wellbeing in Austria (German and English):



Wellbeing in regions (German and English):











Wellbeing Governments:

5 countries implementing policies of „Wellbeing“ : New Zealand, Finland, Iceland, Scotland, Wales.


Mehr Links auf deutsch: